viernes, 27 de febrero de 2015

My best friend

My best friend
First ... What is a best friend? 
Well, a friend is who is on your side in good times and possibly too bad, but a best friend is who is with you in moments of madness , who knows the worst about you , and still loves you and Supports at all times. 

She is my best friend, She's Renni. I met her when we were in high school, she has been with me over four years , is my half a lemon, and really did not know it would be without their madness , without all we 've been through. She likes reading, dancing , singing, hates to everyone , but she is really sweet with me, always sweetly acidic .

She is best, if you have a best friend, someone who listens and cares ... do not let go , hug you, tie it to your heart

martes, 24 de febrero de 2015


Letter to Friends ✉

In last days we had to write a letter for differents classmates in order to make friends.
I think that was great, maybe I don't have some friends in the class but I can talk with they.
I liked this activity and keep for more.