viernes, 27 de febrero de 2015

My best friend

My best friend
First ... What is a best friend? 
Well, a friend is who is on your side in good times and possibly too bad, but a best friend is who is with you in moments of madness , who knows the worst about you , and still loves you and Supports at all times. 

She is my best friend, She's Renni. I met her when we were in high school, she has been with me over four years , is my half a lemon, and really did not know it would be without their madness , without all we 've been through. She likes reading, dancing , singing, hates to everyone , but she is really sweet with me, always sweetly acidic .

She is best, if you have a best friend, someone who listens and cares ... do not let go , hug you, tie it to your heart

martes, 24 de febrero de 2015


Letter to Friends ✉

In last days we had to write a letter for differents classmates in order to make friends.
I think that was great, maybe I don't have some friends in the class but I can talk with they.
I liked this activity and keep for more.

martes, 27 de enero de 2015

E-mail to ....

Hi! My name is Monica and I'm from Bogota, Colombia. It's a amazing city, so wonderfull and colorfull. I´m 19 years old nad I'm a student of Tourism at Sabana´s University. 
I like lear somethings news and... now I´m learning to speak english and french. My favorites sports are soccer, amercian football and rugby, but I practice volleyball, taekwondo and swimming. My favorite soccer players are Lionel Messi and Oscar Pérez Rojas, better know as "Conejo Pérez".
I can do somethings... for example... I can play the guitar, I can cook and I can write histories, but I can't speak in english or run long and fast.
I'm good painting with watter colors and I really love do it, I'm good do it nothing... just thinking. 
I love listen to music, my favorites singers are Enrique Iglesias and Pablo Alborán. 

And... What can you tell me?, How are u? What's your favorite sport? Who's your favorite singer? What's your favorite hobby? Are you a student too? 

Please write to me soon.


sábado, 17 de enero de 2015

Something about Martin...

Martin Luther King (1929 - 1968) was a important man in the history. He had a dream... a dream that change tha life of afroamerican peoples. He looking equality between americans. He wanted to elimined the poverty... all was just a dream. He died becuase of a bullet... but his dream continued... Today the things change,  a big part of americans are afroamericans, and they have the same rigths and obligations that others, the discrimination ever is less and although the dream is still far , every day there are more people trying to reach it.